High-Performance Rotary Shaft Seals – Rotaflon™ Series

For sealing dynamic, rotary motion

Rotary shaft seal installation
Rotary shaft seal installation example

Examples of a high-performance rotary shaft seal installation              

AHP Seals’ high-performance Rotaflon™ rotary shaft seals are designed for rotary applications where the operating conditions exceed the capabilities of elastomeric rubber lip seals, where extended seal life is required or where mechanical seals are too costly Rotaflon™ High-performance rotary shaft seals are designed for:

  • Dry-run, limited lubrication
  • Medium and high pressure, vacuum
  • Low friction under load
  • Low torque and low energy consumption
  • High surface speeds up to 10,000fpm (50m/s)
  • Shaft eccentricity (seal designs with spring)
  • Harsh and aggressive environments
  • FDA compliance

…More Info

The Rotaflon™ rotary shaft seals are available in different configurations, including SB, VS, RB, and in metal-retained MC configurations, including single, dual and triple sealing lip designs.
All of our high-performance Rotaflon™ rotary seals feature a PTFE composite or other highly engineered polymer material for the dynamic running surface of the seal lip to meet the most challenging rotary sealing applications.

Our Rotaflon High-Performance Rotary Seals are classified as follows:

Rotaflon™ SB-Series
– up to 10,000fpm (50m/s)* at low pressure,
– up to 500psi (35bar)*at low surface speed
PV-Rating 4.0 to 9.0

Rotaflon SB-Series rotary seal example

Rotaflon™ VS-Series
– up to 1,200fpm (6m/s)* at low pressure, vacuum
– up to 10,000psi (690bar)* at low surface speed
PV-Rating 10.0

Rotaflon VS-Series rotary seal example

Rotaflon™ MC–Series
– up to 7,000fpm (35m/s)* at low pressure
– up to 500psi (35bar)* at low surface speed
PV-Rating 5.0 to 9.0

Rotaflon MC-Series rotary seal example

Rotaflon™ RB-Series
– up to 7,000fpm (35m/s)* at low pressure
– up to 100psi (6.9bar)* at low surface speed,
PV-Rating 4.0 to 5.0

Rotaflon RB-Series rotary seal example

To get the best seal for your rotary sealing applications please contact engineering, or call 1-800-283-7140 for immediate answers to your questions.

Calculate the PV-Rating of the seal required for your application using calculator below:

The PV-Rating of an AHPSeal rotary seal gives an indication of the seal’s ability to withstand the stress applied to a seal due to sealing pressure as the shaft rotates with velocity. The higher the PV-Rating is, the higher the seal’s ability is to handle a higher combination of pressure and rotational velocity, with 10 being the highest. This is to only be used as a guide for lubricated operating conditions to narrow down possible sealing products.
Seals can not be operated at their upper pressure and speed rating at the same time!

Please contact one of our experienced seal engineers to select the best seal for your application.

PV-Rating Calculator:
Shaft Diameter :
Pressure :

PV-Rating =

*Maximum values depend on seal material, seal configuration, media, temperatures, pressures, surface speed and working environment. Data provided are guidelines for ideal operating conditions.  Seals cannot be operated at their upper pressure and speed ratings at the same time. For maximum seal life expectancy, do not operate your seal beyond 75% of any of its operating limits. Seals cannot be operated at their upper pressure and speed ratings at the same time.

Please consult engineering or call 1-800-283-7140 for advice.

American High Performance Seals assumes no obligation or liability for any advice furnished or results obtained with respect to these products. All such advice is given and accepted at the buyer’s risk.

This information, based on our experience, is offered as part of our service to customers. It is intended for use by persons having technical skill, at their own discretion and risk. We do not guarantee favorable results, and we assume no liability in connection with its use.