
P101 is a newly developed high-performance hydrolysis-resistant polyurethane elastomer (H-Polyurethane). Its engineering properties include high resistance to wear and abrasion, as well as high pressure and pressure spikes. It is resistant to mineral oil-based fluids, fire-resistant water-based hydraulic fluids including HFA and HFB, sea water, biodegradable fluids, vegetable oils, bio-diesels, and most modern hydraulic fluids.

These outstanding properties make P101 one of the most durable sealing materials in the industry. Due to its hydrolysis resistance (degradation in water or water-based hydraulic fluids), it is highly recommended for use in water hydraulics, mining and tunneling, industrial hydraulics, heavy duty high-pressure hydraulics and general industrial sealing applications. The most common products made from P101 are lip seals, compact rod and piston seals, wipers, V-packings and special seals for applications where improved performance and service life are required.

Temperature Range: -22°F to 257°F (-30°C to 125°C)